I've come up with lists and lists of new years resolutions in the past which were unrealistic...
I guess this time I should be more detailed into what I should change or improve in!
Here are my last years new years reso's....
Obviously I had not followed a couple of those..
And I had not once read a book this whole year.. eh... unless Archie Comics counts?
For number 8, after chatting to my sister... I've realised that I have so long until I finish tafe & uni. I don't have to consider these parts... I've always been stressing about this when the things I can work as is so broad.
So for next year I decided that I'll grab a couple of those and not try to have 10 points.
Just however many I think I can achieve... And definitely be more descriptive as to why and how I'll achieve it.
I should not have to wait for New Years to come around for me to want to make changes to my life,
I know. But I'm just like that...
New Years Resolution for 2012
1. Take better care of my body
Since I had turned 16, my big sister has always said "Your body is a temple. Treat it like one.".
Since I had turned 16, my big sister has always said "Your body is a temple. Treat it like one.".
I never really understood what she meant until now.... I am not taking this quote as a religious meaning. I have completely treated myself like shit.
I'm going to be living in this body forever and what I put in myself will affect me forever (And I mean developing habits wise...).
I plan to take better of my body by...
* Drinking lots of water, lots in my definition will mean at least 2cups a day... I am a lazy poo so I'll have to refill two little bottles daily to remind me of this.
* Exercise.. I can say this as much as I want but I won't do it. I will not go outside for a jog...I'm just lazy like that. So I'm going to have to develop some sort of routine to keep me going. I also plan on walking as much as I can! Hot weather is an exception to this...
* Not consuming alcohol often (<5x/year) ... It's so so so so so so bad for you! And I always feel like complete shit afterwards. Alcohol can bring on so much bad things. I'd rather not take the risk.
2. Do not mind people who do not matter
I can't even put this into words right now without sounding like a sappy poo.
It's sad that it's taken me a year to take this in..
I shouldn't care for the remarks, opinions or advice of people who would not act out the same. People can talk like they're king of the world to you, but once it's upon them, it's a different story.
Another point is that I should not make effort with people I should not expect it back from. No matter how lonely I get, I will never feel regret.
I need to stop taking other people's advice, since I'm the only one dealing with the consequences.
I need to stop taking other people's advice, since I'm the only one dealing with the consequences.
3. Make something new every week
Every year I feel incomplete... As if I had not fulfilled anything.
So I've decided that I will commence a new project every week. Projects would only be arts and crafts of course! I plan to make decorations, plushies, clothes, etc.
These projects, depending on the difficulty would take up 1~3 hours of one day and would make me all cheery and happy once completed!
4. Learn to love and enjoy life more
This is quite a far step for me to reach... I'll have to be able to achieve all the points about first before being able to be happy or even content about myself and where I am now.
And that is my list of New Years Reso's for 2012!
Lets see how I go with this...
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